Tuesday, July 24, 2007

a serious cinéaste

6 Clare Street

Monsieur Eisenstein,

I write to you on the advice of Mr Jack Isaacs of London, to ask to be considered for admission to the Moscow State School of Cinematography.

Born in Dublin and 'educated' there. 1928-30 lecteur d'anglais at Ecole Normale, Paris. Worked with Joyce, Collaborated in French translation of part of his Work In Progress (N.R.F., May 1931) and in critical symposium concerning same (Our examination, etc.) Published Proust (essay, Chatto & Windus, London 1931), More Pricks Than Kicks (short stories, do., 1934), Echo's Bones (poems, Europa Press, Paris 1935).

I have no experience of studio work and it is naturally in the scenario and editing end of the subject that I am most interested. It is because I realise that the script is function of its means of realization that I am anxious to make contact with your mastery of these, and beg you to consider me a serious cinéaste worthy of admission to your school. I could stay a year at least.

Veuilliez agreér mes meilleurs hommages.

Samuel Beckett